Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wednesday 17th October - Bateman's Bay, Nelligen

Escapade on Clyde River
It was a lovely day today.  We went on our boat trip on the Escapade to Nelligen.  There was a magician on board for a group going on an outing to celebrate Carers' Week.  He was quite clever, considering the restrictions imposed by where he was working.  His name was Patch the Pirate.  I found him on YouTube - We had lovely fish and chips for lunch.  It was quite windy, and the wind was cool, so we stayed inside for the duration.  When we got to Nelligen I decided I'd like an icecream, so we walked up to the shop in the half hour stop-over.
We did a bit of shopping when the cruise was finished.  Bill bought a new towball that would fit his Couple-Mate guide that he bought the other day.
I had a rest in the afternoon.
For tea we had sandwiches in the van because we'd had a big lunch.

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